
A Woman's Guide to Power, Presence and Protection
12 Rules for Gaining the Credit, Respect and Responsibility You Deserve
February 2022
by Mónica Bauer, Marty Seldman, Paula Santilli, and Jovita Thomas-Williams
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When you read A Woman’s Guide to Power, Presence, and Protection, you will:
- Sharpen your knowledge about power, and how power shapes what gets rewarded and recognized in your organization.
- Detect to protect: learn how to “see it coming” and protect yourself from power plays, stolen credit, tarnished reputation, and marginalization.
- Create a fair, accurate picture of your contributions, talent and potential.
- Demonstrate the right kind and amount of self promotion to keep the pace and progression of your career on a positive trajectory.
- Master the verbal and nonverbal aspects of Executive Presence so that you and your ideas will receive serious consideration.
- Learn the basic practices of “healthy selfishness” to preserve your time and energy and set yourself up for success.

Empowering You, Empowering Her
Let’s be a force that brings development and equality to women worldwide by helping them realize their professional goals!
February 2021
by Mónica Bauer, Paula Santilli, and Marty Seldman
Women’s economic power is critical to the pressing recovery of the global economy. PepsiCo’s LatAm executives Paula Santilli and Mónica Bauer, together with business coach Marty Seldman, know that unleashing that power is not easy—women today face many challenges in their social, economic, and work environments. This is why with this book they aim to raise women’s self-confidence, by giving them the necessary tools to stimulate their personal and professional development. Their twelve rules will unlock women’s full potential by helping women better understand their power, feel comfortable using it, and not give it away.

Leading In The New Normal
An Executive Coach’s Guide to Leadership Success and Sustainability During the Covid-19 Pandemic
June 2020
By: John Futterknecht and Dr. Marty Seldman
Most of us in the global business world are settling into the altered landscape created by the global COVID-19 pandemic. While states and countries have reopened parts of their economies, the majority of businesses will likely see leaders working from home for the foreseeable future. As we adjust to a new normal, we need to adapt our way of working to match our changed circumstances. Instead of commuting to an office, where we meet face to face in conference rooms, perhaps share a meal, and have a full complement of support staff and office equipment at hand, we may be operating from a cobbled-together workspace in our homes, separated from our colleagues but surrounded by the distractions of partner, kids, and pets. Some of us may find ourselves stepping up to serve as full-time teachers to school-age kids, even as we maintain a full-time work calendar, while others of us are feeling the pressure of suddenly becoming sole provider when a partner is laid off or furloughed due to economic fallout from the crisis. Whatever your particular circumstance, the key to thriving in your new normal is to craft an action plan that is sustainable for the long haul, so you can continue to thrive as a leader in this new environment.

The Power of Empowerment. Women Building Latin America
Proven Skills & Strategies to Succeed in a Collaborative World
March 2020
By: Paula Santilli, Mónica Bauer & Marty Seldman, PHD
The reader will be able to learn about the women reality in LatAm from a deep investigation that includes the testimony of women in different countries with different backgrounds and jobs. Also they will be capable of enriching their own reality by using the tools that Marty Seldman, renowned coach and writer, has to offer to them.
Being a woman in Latin America isn’t easy. Women face different challenges, such as social exclusion, discrimination in the workforce, and having to deal with different types of violence. These are common trends that still exist in every class and social stratum and that overshadow the unique qualities that Latin American women have: they are hard-working, disciplined, result oriented and resilient.

Leading In The Global Matrix
Proven Skills & Strategies to Succeed in a Collaborative World
January 28th, 2020
By: John Futterknecht & Marty Seldman Ph.D.
In today’s global business world, many organizations are shifting away from decentralized, vertical structures–with silo functions such as finance, HR, or operations–to a “matrix” model of cross-functional teams that work across a number of business units. When executed successfully, a matrix structure helps companies thrive in the modern market by better leveraging internal resources, eliminating duplication, spurring innovation, and driving enterprise-wide strategy.

Survival of the Savvy
High-Integrity Political Tactics for Career and Company Success
December 6th, 2004
By: Rick Brandon Ph.D. & Marty Seldman Ph.D.
Two of the nation’s most successful corporate leadership consultants now reveal their proven, systematic program for using the power of “high-integrity” politics to achieve career success, maximize team impact, and protect the company’s reputation and bottom line.
Each day in business, a corporate version of “survival of the fittest” is played out. Power plays, turf battles, deceptions, and sabotages block individuals’ career progress and threaten companies’ resources and results. In Survival of the Savvy, Rick Brandon and Marty Seldman provide ethical but street-smart strategies for navigating corporate politics to gain “impact with integrity,” helping readers to:
Identify political styles at work through the Style Strengths Finder, and avoid being under or overly political
Discover the corporate “buzz” on you, and manage the corporate “airwaves”
Decipher unwritten company rules and protect yourself from sabotage and hidden agendas
Build key networks to promote yourself and your ideas with integrity
Learn to detect deception and filter misleading information
Increase your team’s organizational savvy, influence, and impact
Gauge the political health of the company and forge a high-integrity political culture
In addition, Survival of the Savvy helps individuals discover and overcome their own political blind spots and vulnerabilities. They learn step-by-step methods to avoid being underestimated or denied full recognition for their achievements. It shows them how to put forward their ideas and advance their careers in an ethical manner, with a high level of political awareness and skill.
After reading this book, you will never have to say, “I didn’t see it coming.” Organizational savvy is a mission-critical competency for the complete leader. This timely and timeless book provides cutting-edge strategies and skills for surviving and thriving as you build individual and company success.

Executive Stamina
How to Optimize Time, Energy, and Productivity to Achieve Peak Performance
April 25th, 2008
By: Marty Seldman & Joshua Seldman
Executive Stamina combines the wisdom and methodology of the best executive coaching with the cutting-edge training techniques of world-class athletes to help busy, stressed-out executives achieve peak performance. This holistic approach to executive performance uses practical tips and tools to help you maximize your career potential, maintain your physical health, and stay aligned with your personal values. Executive Stamina is all you need to learn how to optimize your time, energy, and productivity to achieve more and live better.

Customer Tells
Delivering World-Class Customer Service by Reading Your Customer’s Signs and Signals
April 3rd, 2007
By: Dr. Martin Seldman, John Futterknecht & Ben Sorensen
What trait do championship poker players and world class customer service professionals have in common? The ability to realiably read people. Customer Tells, the innovative new book by bestselling author Dr. Marty Seldman, focuses on the key concept of the “tell” the ability to read mannerisms, to understand what people mean but are not saying, and to respond accordingly. In poker, the “tell” means knowing the cards a competitor holds; in customer service, it means understanding the customer’s subtle ways of communicating how they want to be treated, even if they can’t articulate. Seldman, one of the world’s foremost executive coaches and organizational psychologists, uses the principles of Customer Tells in his seminars nationwide. By teaching business professionals of every level how to read tells in customers’ communication styles, body language, dress, questions, reactions, facial expressions, and choices of words, he has increased both their bottom line and employee retention levels.