Our Approach

The New Optimum Associates Operating Model

The Premises:

1. The Marketplace changes rapidly; organizations change slowly.

Technology, consumers, communications, the economy, etc., are changing continually and rapidly.

Individuals and organizations that are able to “look around corners”, to spot shifts and trends and discern their implications will be able to keep pace.

2.  Organizations that will be able to scale up, grow and thrive will master three activities:

    • Sharpen and strengthen strategies to reflect new realities and new futures;
    • Link strategic shifts to changes in the Human Capital Strategy. They will be able to discern their implications for:
      • Talent
      • Leadership “Scorecard”
      • Training
      • Systems
      • Processes
      • Structure
    • Engage in Rapid Culture Building/Culture Transformation. They will quickly equip the entire organization with the values, skills and systems to execute the strategy and drive growth.


Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about integrating your business strategy with your Human Capital Strategy and/or implementing rapid cultural transformation.

Ready to talk?

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help your organization.